Monday, May 18, 2009

Granny's going to Holiday World

Tomorrow night is the final weigh-in! I am sorry that the program is almost over. I will miss the Greatest Thriver program, even though I am still going to exercise at Forest Ridge. Somehow the program has kept me on track for these eight months.
I only hope I can continue to have the same enthusiam that I have now. The summer months are harder for me because I do so much yard work in addition to housecleaning and vacationing. Never-the-less, I still have good goals for myself for the rest of the summer. My goals are: I want to be a better looking Grandma this year when I take my granddaughter to Holiday World. I know I won't be a candidate for the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition, and really I wouldn't even want to be. I just want to lose at least 10 more pounds before we go in August.
Last year, I went as a lumpy, bumpy, but never grumpy Grandma. I really had a blast there and enjoyed the water and fun, but I would certainly enjoy not looking so awful in a swimsuit.
Last year, I shopped for the suit in a larger than life size and didn't even put it on again at home in front of the mirror because I looked so terrible. Carly, my granddaughter, loves me so much she didn't realize that her grandmother was such a frump, but I knew.
This year I will be slightly less frumpy (34 1/2 pounds lighter) because of Greatest Thrivers. I might even try the highest water slide this year.
Thanks Greatest Thrivers and thanks to Henry County Health Dept., Nate Minyard and Dr. Miller, Laurie Stonerock and all who sponsor the program. It is a great opportunity to begin a healthier lifestyle. It's been awesome!

Monday, May 11, 2009

We are all winners!

The finale for Greatest Thrivers is almost here. Next Tuesday, May 19 will be the final weigh in for this year's program. It has been a real hoot.
I began the program in September with very little hope that I could lose weight and learn to exercise properly. I was shocked to think that I had to exercise at least four times each week. I doubted that I could stay with the exercise routine through the winter months. I also doubted myself in many ways. You see, like most of the Thrivers, I have lost weight many times in my lifetime and quickly gained back more.
But this program works and I made it to the end. I am a Thriver!
I can say that the Greatest Thrivers program has been a real life-saver for me. I have lost 34.5 pounds so far and have gained a lot of knowledge about myself and how to exercise properly.
In the past, whenever an crisis came along, I folded and began to melt down and binge eat. I didn't just nibble around on favorite foods, I jumped into a vat of chocolate and ate my way out.
This time has been different, I have continued to exercise when my husband had cancer surgery. I continued to exercise through Christmas parties and holiday celebrations. I continued to exercise through the winter snow storms and spring's first sunshine. Now the hard part is near. Greatest Thrivers is almost over. But I am determined to continue the regime for the rest of my life.
One thing is for certain, there has been "No Losers" on this program. All of us are Greatest Thrivers. We have lost pounds and inches and gained self-respect and knowledge. All of us Thrivers are winners! I am so proud of every one of us!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Less than six weeks to go

I feel like hitting the panic button - there is less than six weeks to go on the Greatest Thriver. I have lost 33 pounds so far (24.5 inches) and have said goodbye to 200 pound mark FOREVER! I feel like I have accomplished so much and yet, I still have so far to go.
I will miss the teamwork portion of the Greatest Thriver journey when we are done. I truly believe that we have become a team on this journey and have encouraged each other along the way.
I also believe that I have learned new skills that will carry me on to the final weight loss goal that I desire. I, like others, will have to continue the journey on for the rest of my life to be successful.
In the past, I lost pounds with a special diet and then eventually got tired of the food and began to add my own personal diet plan to the mix. Hopefully, I have learned to eat sparingly the things I like so I won't go overboard and gain all of my weight back.
This week, I had my yearly check-up at the doctor's office. My doctor was so proud of me and my blood work was really good.
I would say to anyone who wishes to sign up for Greatest Thriver next year to definately get your name in at the Henry County Health Fair. That is where I signed up last year.
The Greatest Thriver has been a wonderful experience for me. I have learned new exercise skills and learned to control my eating not with a specific diet, but by eating wisely the things I love.
Come to the Henry County Health Fair, June 13 at the YMCA and start a new healthy lifestyle!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Remaining Faithful To Myself

I have been reading about how everyone is getting into action and really making this last two months count on our Greatest Thriver journey. That is really great! As for me, I have continued to work out 5-6 times each week and find that whenever I leave the exercise routine behind I miss it. I guess I love routine. Somehow it makes me feel safe.
I still have a lot of weight to lose in the next two months and realize that I won't even be close to the goal weight I desire by the end of the Greatest Thriver journey. That is scary for me. It makes me want to go on a very strict routine, a fad diet or something, and not stick to what I know works for me.
I have to look at the progress I have already accomplished and realize that this "routine" is forever. I can not go back to the lifestyle of my former self and expect to have positive results. Someone said, "If you do what you have always done, you can expect the same results as you have always had."
I watch The Biggest Loser and have noticed that the minute the contestants get an opportunity to eat starch and sugar they always seem to over indulge. They never seem to learn. (even when the cameras are rolling)
My prayer and greatest desire is that Greatest Thriver's experience and the coaching of Lauri Stonerock will remain with me throughout the rest of my life. I want to be a different person and remain faithful to myself and my lifestyle change forever.

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Easter Eggs Got Me

Well, it finally happened. The chocolate Easter eggs got me and I gained .8 of a pound last week. I know better than to mess with chocolate temptation, but unfortunately I did it anyway.
Because I am such a slow loser and don't lose but one pound or so per week, a whole week's progress was thrown out the window. But that was last week and now I am walking the straight and narrow again. See you at the scale!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Exercise well worth the effort

The beautiful sunshine of the last two days has been an inspiration to me. I am inspired to shop. Yea, I get to get a whole new wardrobe this spring because I have nothing that fits. In most years, that is because I have outgrown my clothes. But this year is different, I have shrunk! Hurrah!
The Greatest Thrivers experience has been a good one for me. I have learned to exercise at least 4-5 times each week, watch what I eat and control my portions. So far since September I have only gained one week and that was .4 of a pound. So I am slowly taking off the excess weight.
I have lost weight numerous times in my life, but this is the first time that I have undergone weight training. I have learned that even though muscle weighs more - it sure looks better.
The winter has always been an extended time of depression and overeating for me. When the sun doesn't shine, neither do I. This winter while exercising at Health Ridge, I have made it through the bleak weather with less depression time because I have exercised.
Exercise is the key to success in my book. A routine exercise program has relieved my stress, increased my mobility and lifted depression.
I wish I could say I love it, but I don't. I only say that I know I MUST exercise. It's like flossing your teeth. Few people get up each day and say, "Wow, today I get to floss." The same is true with exercise. Although exercise is hard - it's well worth the effort!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Husband on the mend

My husband, Mike, just got home today from having surgery at Reid Hospital. He had prostate removal surgery last Thursday so I spent five days in the hospital trying to keep him company.
We are both glad that he is at home and on the mend.
As for me, it was hard being in the hospital and eating the food that was available. I admit I didn't keep 100% to my healthy eating plan. I kept the exercise up though so I hope I don't have a weight gain.
Well, at least I'm back at home and ready to get serious with the food plan again.